
Practice Social Distancing without Isolating

To state the obvious; Everything is Changing!

This current COVID-19 / Coronavirus situation and the need to minimize in-person social interactions brings with it some big changes to daily routines for everyone.

With the onslaught of online content that is already giving all kinds of obvious solutions and ideas, like the obvious virtualization tools and plans, we wanted to offer up a few non-obvious ideas to help you weather this season.

One of the most important things to avoid while Social Distancing is allowing yourself to become Isolated. That is; Isolated from the friends and family that bring fulfillment and joy to your life. Isolation from the business connections and colleagues who engage your intellect challenge you to grow.

Take charge and make sure you avoid personal isolation!

Here are a few specific things you can do to ensure you avoid isolating while social distancing:

Help/Serve Others

When you are by yourself for long periods of time, it is easy to get consumed by your own troubles, anxieties, and fears. This leads to a dangerous self-centered focus that can quickly turn into some very negative behaviors and habits if you are not careful.

Instead, take control of your mindset. Find ways to help and serve other people. As counterintuitive as it may be, helping or serving others is one of the best ways to overcome your own challenges.

Practice gratitude

Take a few minutes to stop and make a list of things and people you are thankful for. This small practice is a subtle way to train your subconscious to pay attention and even look for the positive around you.

As a bonus; when a person you are grateful for comes to mind, stop and send them a text or email to tell. It does not have to be anything complicated or extravagant. Just a simple “I’m grateful you are in my life. Hope you are well!” is all it needs to be.

Create A Routine

On the more practical side of the spectrum, create a regular routine during your time at home. This will help break up the monotony and give you something to look forward to.

Go ahead and keep that morning alarm set. Maybe push it back an hour or two, but set a time to get going for the day. Schedule a regular call with friends or work colleagues just to keep in touch.


There are all kinds of simple and easy exercises that you can do at hope whether you have any exercise equipment or not. Even the most basic exercise helps get the blood flowing and will help your mental outlook, strengthens your immune system, and will help you feel like you accomplished something for the day.

Get Outside

Go for a walk. If it is appropriate and safe where you live, go get some fresh air and a little exercise. Maybe shovel the snow from your driveway, or even just a brisk walk.

I know, this is not necessarily a means to interact socially or prevent isolation, but the fresh air and the little bit of exercise will go a long way in helping to improve your mindset and mental outlook.

Join Online Groups

There are TONS of great Facebook and LinkedIn groups out there. Look for a few that catch your eye. Go ahead; join, engage, see who you can connect with online

One (somewhat) selfish plug; We created a LinkedIn Mastermind group specifically for Business Owners and Leaders. Check it out and join here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13843549/

Engage on Social Media

If you are anything like me, I have a hard time doing anything other than checking social media highlights every now and then. I have engaged only a little bit with comments and other social media interactions.

Now is a perfect time to comment and engage!

Remember: Life will go on!

As we started this post, everything is changing. There are going to be all kinds of long-term implications and changes from this experience. But, fight to keep a positive outlook and be creative to engage with the world in a new way!

We got this!


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